About Manjari Sansthan
Manjari got registered in September 2009 under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act 1958. Manjari aims to: “Establish a society where women and children can live a life with dignity”. Manjari articulate its mission as working for: “the development of Women and Children thereby undertaking specific actions of human and institutional capacity building, community leadership development, collective action and good governance”.
The General Body of Manjari is the supreme decision-making body. The General Body has entrusted powers to the Executive Committee. The Executive committee members include office bearers and general members. The Executive committee is responsible for guiding the program development process and adherence to statutory norms related to the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, Income Tax Act and finance & audit. On behalf of EC, the Secretary- Manjari is responsible for providing day to day support to different program -and support teams. Manjari has its office at Budhpura (Bundi). In Jaipur, we have a small coordination office.

From technology to anatomy? Or Anatomy to technology? Does this sound confusing or perplexing? Well, it is not so; the answer lies in BIOMATERIALS.
A biomaterial is a material that is used and adapted for medical applications. While it is difficult to formulate a definition, the more widely accepted working definition is “ A Biomaterial is any material that complies whole or part of a living structure or biomedical device which performs, augments, or replaces a natural function.
A biomaterial can have a Bening function, like being used as a heart valve, or maybe bioactive; used for a more interactive purpose like hydroxy-apatite coated hip implants. Thy help in restoring function and healing for people after injury or disease.
They play an integral role in medicine today, But the first historical use of biomaterials dates to antiquity, when ancient Egyptians used sutures made from animal sinew. The moder age biomaterials combines medicines, biology, physics and chemistry and more recent influence from tissue engineering and material sciences. But this field has grown leaps and bounds in the past decade due to discoveries in tissue engineering, and material sciences.
They maybe natural or synthetic. Metals, ceramics, plastic glass and even living cells and tissues can be used in creating a biomaterial. They can be re-engineered into molded or machined parts, coating, fibres, films, foams, fabrics, etc. They can be biodegradable, and some are bio absorbable, meaning they are slowly eliminated from the body after fulfilling a function.
“A healthy body and a Sound Mind” is the foundation for a prosperous, healthy, happy society, resulting in a developed nation. We as doctors, scientist, researchers, engineers, social workers etc. need to join hands and work together for making and utilizing the biomaterial available to us and make its reach available to the each and every person. So that any person suffering from defects by birth, accidents, disease is not left behind to give to the society its full potential thus becoming an equal contributor in society. The best example in India can be found in “The Jaipur Foot”. Likewise we need biomaterials for our life and society for a “Holistic and Healthy” living.
The research on Biomaterials will always be a rich area of research and practice in the medical field. With the development of new technology, we will see mor advancement in this field. And many living beings will be able to live a proper life.
– Rebecca Nasya Robinson Jena

Manjari Sansthan
Child Rights & Business Principles
Stregtehing Commuities & Governance
Urban Initiatives
Labour Support
Knowledge Management
Stop Child Labour
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Community Mobilization – Kishor Varta
An interactive, mobile phone-based platform using audio stories to provide boys and young men with information on gender, health and sexual and reproductive health in order to change unjust gender
No Child Left Behind: helping to expand the life opportunities of adolescent girls. A major focus of the work being performed by Manjari* within the community of Budhpura is in
Celebrating Budhpura! A joyous and momentous occasion to mark the village's progress in creating a Child Labour Free Zone. On Sunday the 24th March, something joyous happened in the village
Two years of disruption have taken their toll on education. New community spaces aim to help children catch up. Children at Sukhpura Village. The writing on the wall says Manjari